And the eye cannot say to the hand, "I have no need of you"; or again the head to the feet, "I have no need of you."...<we> are Christ's body, and individually members of it.

1 Corinthians 12:21,27  (New American Standard Bible)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Why does our church not preach the binding of the Ten Commandments?

Why does our church not preach the binding of the Ten Commandments?

The Ten Commandments are part of a "covenant" with the people of Israel.  In Exodus 20, which contains the ten commandments, God also directs the people of Israel to make an altar of earth and sacrifice burnt offerings of sheep and oxen.

Christians are under the "New Covenant."  In Luke 22:20 we hear Jesus refer to the "new covenant". Hebrews 9:17 shows that this covenant came into effect at the time of the death of Jesus.

In Matthew 5:17, Jesus says that He came to "fulfill" the (Old Testament) Law. He does not say that He came to "perpetuate" the Law.

In addition, most of the ten commandments are included in the New Covenant.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


           The purpose of this corporation shall be to establish,
maintain, conduct and foster a local church of the brotherhood
known as the Disciples of Christ, whose local congregations are
known as Christian Churches or Churches of Christ; as revealed
in the New Testament, to win people to faith in Jesus Christ and
commit them actively to the church, to help them to grow in the
grace and knowledge of Christ that increasingly they may know
and do His will; and to work for the unity of all Christians and with
them engage in the common task of building the Kingdom of God.